Futures Abroad is hosting šTHE LARGEST CANADIAN EDUCATION FAIRš where students will be able to meet and interact with representatives and industry experts from šThe Top Canadian Universities!š
As a unique feature to the fair we are hosting TWO valuable sessions for the students during the event:
1. šCANADA VISA SESSION BY VFS SENIOR OFFICIALS At Sheraton, Mall Of The Emirates, Dubai : At 8PM GST (Oct 19th 2022)š
2. šHow To Prepare For 100% Scholarship Session At Sheraton, Mall Of The Emirates, Dubai at 9PM GST (Oct 19th 2022)š
The event is completely free of cost, but you'll need to send an RSVP by Thursday, 14th of October, 2022.
Registration Link: https://consult.futuresabroad.com/canadian_education_fair
Venue Location Link: https://g.page/SheratonMOE?share
